Lake Titicaca, Peru

Stone Reed Boat


Through the eyes of indigenous peoples, the earth’s landscapes embody the creation tales and mythic images passed on through storytelling and ceremonies, from generation to generation. The People believe they are part of the Earth’s Soul, co-creators in the dance, poetic mirrors. They sing to all of Her elements: the mountain of the healing herb, the river of fire, the hidden path of stones, the singing rocks, the healing crystals, the poison pond, the magic wind tunnel, the whispering gorge, the disappearing sands–giving voice to all Earth’s impediments and Her blessings.


The intricate geological features of the boat reveal what appear to be many stone people seated in the craft. The bow of the boat is situated at a location that bears the name Tili-laca or “child and mother.” Huanascuy or “human vessel” is the site where the stern of the boat lies. Both names confirm that Lake Titicaca is the home and birthplace of the Peruvian Uros people – the “People of the Lake.”

The area in and around Lake Titicaca is known for its prevalence of monolithic stone sculptures1, mountain faces,  and two sacred islands: Isla de Sol – “Island of the Sun,” and Isla de Luna — the “Island of the Moon.” The lake’s name–Titicaca–means Gray Puma2. Seen here from satellite imagery the shape of the lake itself appears to be a crouching cat-like image3. Another satellite photo has captured the image of a puma’s face on the water beside Chucuito and the ancient remains of an Incan fertility temple4.


the god Viracocha

Commanding the sun to move over the sky, “the god Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon, and stars, time and civilization itself. He was represented as wearing the sun for a crown, with thunderbolts in his hands, and tears descending from his eyes as rain.”

According to origin myths, Viracocha and his “people of the lake” lived beneath the waters of Titicaca. He brought them to the surface of the lake from their birthplace, where today, many still live on straw-like floating islands4 & 5. The Uros believe6 that upon death, their spirits will return to their place of origin.


Though half a world away, there has always been a strong spiritual and cultural connection between the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Peru. One of many stone sculptures around Chucuito in the area of Titicaca is known as Aramu Muru–the “Stargate.” The motif of the Stargate is also found on the ceiling of the ancient Egyptian Birthing Temple of Hathor at Luxor on the Nile River. 7There, the great boat held the kings, queens and their devoted attendants on the long journey through the Stargate. In Hathor’s temple, the Stargate was positioned overhead in the place that marked the Summer Solstice and the fullness of the Sun god Ra.8


The bright star Sirius, at 16°42 degrees South, passes over Lake Titicaca. Together, Sirius and the Constellation of Orion form a celestial crown of light over the lake. Both Egyptian and Peruvian astronomers called Sirius the “red-dog star” or lion. Around the time that it was built, the Sphinx at Giza would gaze upon Sirius and Orion as they rose in the Eastern skies at sunset. The Sphinx still retains hints of a reddish color on the original surface of the stone.


Finding landscapes is a matter of patiently searching small areas of your map at varying levels of altitude. Some landscapes are only 500 feet in length while others are more than 2,000 miles long. The larger the landscape the farther away you have to be to see it. Check places that you have always liked to go, as familiarity can help you see the unseen. There another consideration: not all landscapes are found right side up!


  • Using Google earth Pro, go to Coordinates 15°57’48.10”S by 69°40’3447.05”W.
  • Make sure that the compass is turned to the North.
  • Zoom into map till you reach eye Alt of 11 miles (listed under landscape-right side)
  • Eye alt is necessary in order to see the full size of the boat.
  • Satellite Imagery by: Google and Digital Globe